Oriole was a female born 10/5/05. She was the daughter of Vulture and Olympia, and she shared many of their same mannerisms. She was our last monkey in the colony, and she was very old at age 18. Oriole most recently lived with Roosevelt whom she loved very dearly, and he passed away in 2023. She enjoyed making long calls to Encore and Forté, who died recently in 2024. We were long calling with her and spending soical hours every day with her. While Oriole was hard to get to know, she wasn't afraid to show her spunky personality when she trusts you. She surprised us daily! We will really miss her!

Oriole making herself look as majestic and important as she possibly can.

Oriole waiting for a froot loop on her branch (blue or purple please!)

Oriole posing for an artsy picture.

She always looks a little bit cranky - she is our sweet grumpy girl.